Author: Katie

on ‘The Australasian Book Society: Making a Literary Working Class during the Cultural Cold War.’4:30 - 6pm, Thursday 11 November, Zoom Nicole Moore (UNSW Canberra) will be presenting ‘The Australasian Book Society: Making a Literary Working Class during the Cultural Cold War.’Abstract and more details here: access...

The 2022 Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature4–8 July 2022 nipaluna, lutruwita (Hobart, Tasmania) Deadline: 31 January 2022  The 2022 ASAL Annual Conference will be hosted by the College of Arts, Law, and Education Centre at The University of Tasmania in nipaluna/Hobart from 4–8 July...

The ALS Gold Medal is awarded annually for an outstanding literary work in the preceding calendar year. The Medal was inaugurated by the Australian Literature Society, which was founded in Melbourne in 1899 and incorporated into the Association for the Study of Australian Literature in...

Submissions for the Mary Gilmore Award are now invited.The Mary Gilmore Award is for a poet’s first book which contains 32 or more pages of poetry.SubmissionsThere is a 2-step process.1. Deadline for the application form is 1 December 2021.Application forms must be emailed to [email protected]. Publishers will need...

SECRETS, SUBTERFUGE AND SILENCE: 13-16 June, 2022  The 2022 AULLA Conference will be hosted by the College of Indigenous Futures, Education, and the Arts at Charles Darwin University in Darwin, from 13–16 June 2022 in the lead up to the Northern Territory Writers Festival. The conference will...

Thursday 14 October 2021, 5.00 pm (AEST Queensland time)Watch online or join us at Central Plaza, JCU Townsville to watch together at Central PlazaSupported by the Copyright Agency, ASAL is partnering with the Foundation for Australian Literary Studies to sponsor the annual Colin Roderick Memorial...

17th Biennial Conference of the Gesellschaft für Australienstudien | German Association for Australian StudiesTrier University, 27 September – 2 October 2021Australia’s past and present are closely connected to the sea: In coastal regions, maritime areas are an integral part of Country and thus play a...