A.D. Hope Prize

A.D. Hope Prize

The A.D. Hope Prize is awarded annually for the paper judged to be the best paper delivered by a postgraduate student. The winner must be a member of ASAL who presented at the July annual conference (July ASAL conference or July Literary Convention). The paper is to be sent to the judging panel, in publishable form, after the conference (date to be announced each year). The winning paper will be afforded the opportunity of publication in JASAL and the winner will receive $500.


A.D. Hope Prize 


Winners of the 2024 A.D. Hope Prize:

Jordi Infeld for “‘To weave into the future’: Elegy and Natalie Harkin’s Archival-Poetics”

and Rebekah Ward for “‘Overlapping Ellipses’: Angus & Robertson’s Promotion of Books Across Borders”.

Highly commended:

Theodora Irini Germanos-Galanis, “Isle of Refuse: Reading beyond Carpentaria’s national-global allegory and reimagining the abject in world literatures from the south”.


Submissions for the A.D. Hope prize are now invited. 

The A.D. Hope Prize is awarded to the best essay based on a paper presented by a postgraduate ASAL member at the 2023 ASAL conference. The essay judged the winner of the A.D. Hope Prize will also be considered for publication in the peer-reviewed Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (JASAL).


The essay must be a substantial re-writing/expansion of the conference paper.  (Conference papers will NOT be accepted).  It should be the length of 4500-6000 words and be formatted in JASAL house-style.


The deadline for submissions to the A.D. Hope prize is 29th November 2024.

Please send your essay directly to BOTH the Chair of the judging panel, Dr. Julieanne Lamond AND Professor Tanya Dalziell 

Please forward any queries to  Professor Tanya Dalziell



The winner of the 2023 A.D. Hope prize

Kyle Kohinga: ”Soil is a Toil Needing All to Recoil’: Lionel Fogarty, Andrew Forrest, and the Settler-Colonial Georgic.

Highly commended

Alice Bellette: ‘White Nativity’: Reinscribing Aboriginal Land in the poetry of Araluen and Whittaker

A.D. Hope citation


A.D. Hope Prize

ASAL postgraduates are warmly invited to submit an essay for the A.D. Hope prize.

The A.D. Hope Prize is awarded to the best essay based on a paper presented by a postgraduate ASAL member at the 2022 ASAL conference.  The essay judged the winner of the A.D. Hope Prize will also be considered for publication in the peer-reviewed Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (JASAL).

The essay you submit must be a substantial re-writing/expansion of your conference paper.  (Conference papers will NOT be accepted).  It should be the length of 4500-6000 words and be formatted in JASAL house-style.

The deadline for submissions to the A.D. Hope prize is 1 December 2022.

Please send your essay by email directly to the Chair of the judging panel, Associate Professor Fiona Morrison, and feel free to forward any questions to the ASAL Prize Coordinator, Professor Tanya Dalziell.

2022 Winner

Samuel Cox for a fascinating and provocative reading of Patrick White’s Voss

A.D. Hope Prize Citation 2022

2021 Winner

Annelise Roberts, for ‘Knowing This Country’: Confronting the Nuclear Uncanny in Aboriginal Life Writing.

Alice Grundy and Karl Ricker’s essays for the A.D. Hope Award receive high commendations.

A.D. Hope Prize Citation 2021

2020 (no prize awarded)

2019 Winner: Louis Klee for “Exile Translatable and Untranslatable”. Louis is a PhD candidate in Criticism and Culture at Gonville & Caius College, the University of Cambridge.

This paper is a sophisticated and sensitive reading of Said’s photo-essay After the Last Sky and its contexts. It explores the politics of the dialogue between image and text, and the ‘inside outside’ dialectic set up and destabilised within it.  It offers some persuasive comparisons across genres.

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More Information:

Previous Winners

2018 Valérie-Anne Belleflamme  “Moving on metaphorical silk roads of intellectual trade”: Chinese aesthetics in Gail Jones’s Five Bells” – from CEREP Postcolonial Research Centre, English Department, University of Liège, Belgium

2017  Jonathan Dunk  “Jacky Alone: The Explorer Myth and the Politics of Aboriginal Authorship”

2016  Shaun Bell  “but even memory is fiction’: The
(fictional) Life and (self) Writing of Sumner Locke Elliott”

2014  Caroline Williamson  “Beyond generation green: Jill Jones and the ecopoetic process”

2012  Michael Farrell  ”Unsettling the Field: Christopher Brennan and Biodiversity”

2009  Duncan Hose “Instructions for an ideal Australian: John Forbes’s poetry of metaphysical etiquette”

2008  Scott Brewer ‘”A Peculiar Aesthetic”: Julia Leigh’s The Hunter and Sublime Loss’

2007 Joanne Jones “Dancing the Old Enlightenment” and Ben Miller “David Unaipon’s style of subversion” JASAL (Special Issue 2008)

2006 Julieanne Lamond “The Ghost of Dad Rudd: On the Stump” JASAL (2007)

2005 Catriona Ross “Prolonged Symptoms of Cultural Anxiety: The Persistence of Narratives of Asian Invasion within Multicultural Australia” JASAL 5 (2006)

2004 Sandra Knowles “The Not Quite Real Miles Franklin: Diaries as Performance” JASAL 4 (2005)

Previous Reports