Mini Conference

Call for papers: Mini-ASAL conference: “A Window of Life:” The Writing of Ruth Park Australian National University, February 14-16, 2024 In a 1942 letter to her penfriend and fellow writer D’Arcy Niland, Ruth Park wrote:“I feel, and I know you do too, that I'm a window of...

ASAL mini-conference April 20-21 2023 at UNSW Sydney “Who Travels?” The Writing of Michelle de Kretser ASAL – “Who Travels?” The Writing of Michelle de Kretser ( “I don’t sit down to write a cosmopolitan book or say to myself that I’m going to write beyond...

Call For Papers ASAL mini-conference April 20-21 2023 at UNSW Sydney “Who Travels?” The Writing of Michelle de Kretser ASAL – “Who Travels?” The Writing of Michelle de Kretser ( “I don’t sit down to write a cosmopolitan book or say to myself that I’m...

ASALvets 2021: Finding the Port The ASALvets plan to meet in Port Macquarie from the 10 - 14 May 2021.  Port Macquarie was an early penal settlement with an interesting convict history, and has been important in the lives of many Australian writers. Convict writers James...

CFP: FROM COLONY TO TRANSNATION: AN ASAL CONFERENCE IN HONOUR OF ROBERT DIXON 5-6 December 2019, the University of Sydney Draft program and registration now open. Please go to: This conference marks the retirement of Robert Dixon as Professor of Australian Literature at the University of Sydney....

New Australian Modernities: Antigone Kefala and Australian Migrant Aesthetics ASAL 2019 mini-conference UNSW March 15 2019 Website: Convenors Brigitta Olubas and Elizabeth McMahon Keynote Speaker: Sneja Gunew This symposium works from the premise that a key Australian literary and aesthetic modernity begins at the mid-twentieth century with the arrival of...

2018 ASAL Mini Conference (Darwin) 8 – 9 February 2018, Hosted by Charles Darwin University.  The ASAL mini conference webpage is now live and can be accessed here: The Association for the Study of Australian Literature Conference will be held in Darwin, Australia. The conference theme focuses on creative writing...