05 Oct ASAL Patrons Lecture: Author Event: Mirandi Riwoe
6pm 14 October, USC Art Gallery
Join award winning author Mirandi Riwoe as she delivers the ASAL Patrons Lecture followed by a brief Q and A session. Mirandi Riwoe is the author of the novella The Fish Girl, which won Seizure’s Viva la Novella V and was shortlisted for the Stella Prize and the Queensland Literary Award’s UQ Fiction Prize, and Stone Sky Gold Mountain, which won the 2020 Queensland Literary Award—Fiction Book Award and the inaugural ARA Historical Novel Prize and was shortlisted for the 2021 Stella Prize, and long listed for The 2021 Miles Franklin Literary Award. Her work has appeared in Best Australian Stories, Meanjin, Review of Australian Fiction, Griffith Review and Best Summer Stories. Mirandi has a PhD in Creative Writing and Literary Studies and lives in Brisbane.
Free – RSVP essential. All welcome, and refreshments provided.
To RSVP please see the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/author-event-mirandi-riwoe-tickets-174635849527
Direct any questions to: Dr Penny Holliday [email protected]
Supported by ASAL (Association for the Study of Australian Literature) and the Copyright Agency.