Author: Katie

July 4-7, co-hosted by RMIT University and Deakin University, Melbourne   Registration now open. Early bird registration rates end on June 10. See the conference website: A partnership between ASAL (Association for the Study of Australian Literature) and ASLEC-ANZ (Association for the Study of Literature, Environment and Culture (Australia... We are pleased to announce a pilot program of Copyright Agency-funded Writers’ Fellowships with the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (ASAL). ASAL aims to promote the study, discussion and creation of Australian writing, and these fellowships intend to strengthen connections between writers, readers,...

Elizabeth McMahonThis is an excerpt from a tribute written for Antigone Kefala on the occasion of the Patrick White Award for her contribution to Australian Literature. The award was made just two week before her death on December 3 2022.The Patrick White Award is given each year...

We are pleased to announce a pilot program of Copyright Agency-funded Writers’ Fellowships with the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (ASAL). ASAL aims to promote the study, discussion and creation of Australian writing, and these fellowships intend to strengthen connections between writers, readers,...

Author Jane Rawson to deliver third session in speaker series Writing, Gender and the Natural World5.30pm to 7pm, drinks available for purchase from 5pm, Wednesday 14 September. MOD. North Terrace, UniSA City West Campus, or via Zoom.On Wednesday 14 September, UniSA’s Creative People, Products and Places (CP3) Research...

ASAL2022 Conference Issue for the Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (JASAL).“COMING TO TERMS, 30 YEARS ON: THE MABO LEGACY IN AUSTRALIAN WRITING” ya pulingina!Many thanks to everyone who presented a paper at this year's ASAL2022 Conference, “Coming to Terms, 30 Years On: the...

ASAL mini-conference April 20-21 2023 at UNSW Sydney “Who Travels?” The Writing of Michelle de Kretser ASAL – “Who Travels?” The Writing of Michelle de Kretser ( “I don’t sit down to write a cosmopolitan book or say to myself that I’m going to write beyond...

Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature is delighted to announce the appointment of our new review editors, Cheryl Taylor and Lianda Burrows.Before retiring in 2006, Cheryl Taylor lectured in English and other literatures at James Cook University in Townsville. From 2008 to...

to deliver second session in speaker series Writing, Gender and the Natural World5.15pm for 5.30pm to 7pm, Thursday 18 August 2022,Bradley Forum (H5-02), Level 5 Hawke Building, UniSA City West Campus or remotely. On Thursday 18 August, UniSA’s Creative People, Products and Places (CP3) Research Centre and the Copyright Agency Cultural...

ASAL postgraduates are warmly invited to submit an essay for the 2023 A.D. Hope prize. The A.D. Hope Prize is awarded to the best essay based on a paper presented by a postgraduate ASAL member at the 2022 ASAL conference.  The essay judged the winner of the A.D. Hope...