
Earlier this year, I was the Australian delegate at the inaugural “Global Transformations” conference on “Spaces and Places” in Bruges, Belgium after my research, The Drover’s Wife Reading Project, was awarded an ASAL ECR Seed Funding Grant. Inspired by my on-going conversations with Goa-Gunggari-Wakka Wakka Murri writer...

ASAL joins with colleagues at UWA and across the diverse fields of Australian writing and Australian literary studies to protest in the strongest terms the action currently proposed by the University of Western Australia to close UWAP. This press is an essential and long-standing part of the dynamic field...

ASAL statement about  the non-appointment of the University of Sydney Chair of Australian Literature As the largest and one of the oldest literary associations in Australia, and the peak body representing Australian literary studies, the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (ASAL) joins with its affiliated Associations in...

Call for Papers and Panels The 2020 ASAL Annual Conference will be hosted by James Cook University at the Cairns Institute, Smithfield, from 29 June – 2 July. For more than forty years, ASAL annual conferences have offered a venue where creative writers and academic critics have...