06 Nov Call for book contributions: I’m Listening like the Orange Tree: In Memory of Laurie Hergenhan
Antonella Riem, Susan Ballyn, Maria Renata Dolce, David Carter, Simon Farley, Martin Leer and others have decided to honour the life and work of the late Laurie Hergenhan with a volume of studies, pieces, memoirs and stories. The provisional title of this volume is I’m Listening like the Orange Tree: In Memory of Laurie Hergenhan. The Collection will be published in the series ALL (directed by Antonella Riem, Udine, Forum).
Possible issues and areas of investigation include:
- Convict literature
- History of Australian studies
- Australian short story
- Australian novel
- Australian poetry
- Australian travel writing
- Australian bibliography
In consideration of Laurie’s wide range of interests and fields of research, you can suggest any other topic that you consider pertinent. We welcome critical essays, anecdotes, memories, stories, poems, photographs that you feel are connected with Laurie’s critical work and personal life.
• Word Limit – between 3000 (20000 characters spaces included) and 5000 words (30000 characters spaces included) in length and should include abstracts in English, memoirs and stories, poems maximum 2000 words. We also welcome photos.
•Contributors will be sent format guidelines and deadlines on notice of their wish to participate. Please also explicit in what form you intend to participate.
•The intended date of publication of the book is November 2020.
•We plan a TABULA GRATULATORIA, for those of you who want to buy the book in advance, also as a form of support for the initiative.
Please, let us know if you would like to participate in this volume and kindly circulate this letter to anyone you think may be interested. Please send your emails to:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
Antonella Riem
website: http://www.antonellariem.it/
Director DILL (Department of Languages and Literatures, Communication, Education and Society)
President of ANDA
President of the Italian Conference of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Full Professor of English Literature