
CARPENTARIA BY ALEXIS WRIGHT: “A SELF-GOVERNING LITERATURE THAT BELONGS TO PLACE” In-person and virtual conference. “The imaginative literary mind is as boundless as it is borderless and bountiful in its way, finding ways of powerfully creating anew the already imagined with the unimagined or unimaginable.”Alexis Wright [1]This international...

Congratulations to the poets shortlisted for the 2021 Mary Gilmore Award:Luke Best, Cadaver Dog (University of Queensland Press)Chris Brown, Hotel Universo (Puncher & Wattmann)Ella Jeffery, Dead Bolt (Puncher & Wattmann)Em König, Breathing Plural (Cordite)Thuy On, Turbulence (UWAP) ...

Congratulations to Dr Susan Lever, newly minted OAM for service to Literature. Well deserved recognition for a lifetime of dedication, including untiring work for ASAL and Australian Literature. The Australian Honours list includes David Carter AM, Kevin Brophy AM, James Bradley OAM, Lily Brett OAM, Diane...

Warmest congratulations to all the authors shortlisted for the 2021 Walter McRae Russell Award for the best work of literary scholarship on an Australian subject published 2019-2020:Joseph Cummins, The ‘Imagined Sound’ of Australian Literature and Music (Anthem, 2019)Tanya Dalziell, Gail Jones: Word, Image, Ethics (Sydney UP, 2020)Susan Lever, Creating Australian...

Bravo, Matteo Dutto, Daniel Hempel and Susanne Julia Thurow, shortlisted for the 2021 Alvie Egan Award, for the best first book of literary scholarship on an Australian subject, published in 2019/2021 by an early career researcher:Matteo Dutto, Legacies of Indigenous Resistance: Pemulwuy, Jandamarra and Yagan in...

The judges for the 2020 ALS Gold Medal, Brigid Magner, Clare Archer-Lean and Jessica White, read 80 titles from 2020 and were astounded by the fecundity and innovation they demonstrated. While the pandemic has been devastating, these works show that it has also been energising for the writing...

Life Writing: Transnationalism, Translingualism, TransculturalismNovember 20-23, 2021, The University of Adelaide, in collaboration with the University of South Australia and Flinders University.Website: for submissions: 1 July 2021  Confirmed Keynote Speakers:Prof. Ricia Chansky, University of Puerto Rico,Prof. Anne Pender, University of AdelaideProf. Liu Jialin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Transnationalism...