
The judges for the 2020 ALS Gold Medal, Brigid Magner, Clare Archer-Lean and Jessica White, read 80 titles from 2020 and were astounded by the fecundity and innovation they demonstrated. While the pandemic has been devastating, these works show that it has also been energising for the writing...

Life Writing: Transnationalism, Translingualism, TransculturalismNovember 20-23, 2021, The University of Adelaide, in collaboration with the University of South Australia and Flinders University.Website: for submissions: 1 July 2021  Confirmed Keynote Speakers:Prof. Ricia Chansky, University of Puerto Rico,Prof. Anne Pender, University of AdelaideProf. Liu Jialin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Transnationalism...

Vale Kate Jennings It is with sadness that ASAL acknowledges the death of Australian writer, poet and feminist Kate Jennings in New York earlier this week.Kate Jennings grew up on a farm near Griffith, New South Wales and went on to be instrumental in...

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIAN LITERARY STUDIES: The AAALS 2021 Conference will be held virtually from April 6-10, 2020 (US).  The schedule has not been finalized, but the conference will run for 3-4 hours each day, during the period 6:00-10:30 pm US-EST (8:00a-12:30p Sydney 7-11 April). Check your time zone here: In...

IN AUSTRALIAN AND AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND CHILDREN’S AND YOUNG ADULT LITERATURE Editors: Melanie Duckworth and Annika HerbIn conversation with the emerging field of critical plant studies, this edited collection aims to explore cultural and historical aspects of the representations of plants in Australian and Aotearoa New...

ASALvets 2021: Finding the Port The ASALvets plan to meet in Port Macquarie from the 10 - 14 May 2021.  Port Macquarie was an early penal settlement with an interesting convict history, and has been important in the lives of many Australian writers. Convict writers James...

The organisers of Texts and Their Limits, Australia’s triennial literary studies convention, are delighted to make the first keynote announcement for our 2021 event. It is with deep gratitude and significant excitement that we welcome confirmed keynote speakers: Behrouz Boochani – writer, journalist, and refugee activist – delivering the Barry...

The Association for the Study of Australian Literature warmly congratulates the recipients of ARC Special Research Initiative funding who are working in the field of Australian literary studies: Associate Professor Emily Potter, Dr Brigid Magner and Dr Torika Bolatagici for “Reading in the Mallee: The Literary...