12 Apr Walter McRae Russell Award 2019
Longlist for Walter McRae Russell Award 2019
Katherine Bode, A World of Fiction: Digital Collections and the Future of Literary History, University of Michigan Press, 2018.
David Carter and Roger Osborne, Australian Books and Authors in the American Marketplace, 1840-1940s, Sydney University Press, 2018.
Ken Gelder and Rachel Weaver, Colonial Australian Fiction, Sydney University Press, 2017.
Jessica Gildersleeve, Christos Tsiolkas: The Utopian Vision, Cambria Press, 2017.
Sneja Gunew, Post-Multicultural Writers as Neo-cosmopolitan Mediators, Anthem Press, 2017.
Tony Hughes-d’Aeth, Like Nothing on the Earth: A Literary History of the Wheatbelt, UWA Press, 2017.
Simone Murray, The Digital Literary Sphere, Johns Hopkins Press, 2018.
Brigid Rooney, Suburban Space, the Novel and Australian Modernity, Anthem Press, 2018.