03 Dec Survey: The Big Picture: Subject English across Secondary and Tertiary Education in Western Australia (Part One: Creative Writing Pedagogies)
Claire Jones, Dr. Catherine Noske
Creative Writing academics! We are looking for survey participants!
Survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/UWACreativeWriting
We invite you to participate in a survey, as part of research into creative writing pedagogy at both secondary and tertiary levels in Western Australia. This project aims to understand the way in which creative writing is currently taught as a subject/discipline in both the secondary and tertiary setting with Western Australia.
With a focus specifically on pedagogy, this project will combine a review of current teaching practice with consideration of the writing practice of established and professional creative writers, in an effort to understand the factors that influence the teaching of creative writing in a classroom setting. This project looks to consider the nexus between secondary and tertiary teaching, and support our ability as educators in scaffolding students’ transitions from one educational domain to the other.
The survey aims at identifying the base tenants of your pedagogical and teaching practice in creative writing. The survey will be conducted via an online survey portal, and should take no more than 10 minutes. The survey will not seek to identify you, and all responses will be considered confidential. No identifying details will be collected or disclosed at any point.
If you would like to participate or discuss any aspect of this study please feel free to contact Dr. Catherine Noske on (08) 6488 2063
Claire Jones and Dr. Catherine Noske