10 Apr CSAA 2019
Call for Papers: Transformations in the Digital Literary Sphere: CSAA 2019
Abstracts are due by 30 April 2019
Prof David Carter (UQ) and Associate Prof Simone Murray (Monash) are co-convening the stream ‘Literary and Cultural Studies I: Transformations in the Digital Literary Sphere’ for the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia (CSAA) conference at the University of Queensland, Brisbane between 4-6 Dec. 2019.
Essentially the stream is open to all papers with an interest in the interface of the book (conceived broadly) and digital technology:
‘The world of print and the book has been radically transformed by digital technologies, whether in the creation of books, their circulation, or their reception. This stream seeks contributions that freely transverse the boundaries of literary, cultural, and media studies to consider phenomena as diverse as fan fiction, self-publishing, celebrity authorship, born-digital literature, viral book publicity, online retailing, blog-books, internet-hosted reading groups, celebrity book clubs, and social-media bibilo-communities of all stripes (bookstagrammers, booktubers, litTwitter…). Who’s writing, who’s reading and who’s critiquing have fused in fascinating ways. The theme of this stream is that books and writing are far from dead — only digitally atomised.’
The overarching conference theme is ‘Cultural Transformations’. Full details of the conference are available here: https://csaaconference2019.wordpress.com/
Please email all abstract and panel submissions to [email protected] with the stream title in the subject line. For example – Abstract Submission: Literary and Cultural Studies 1.