15 Jun ASAL vets 2022: Bermagui
Tuesday to Friday 11-14 October
Bermagui on the far south coast of NSW has been a popular place for writers to live and holiday. Situated between Moruya in the north and Bega in the south, it is one of the most beautiful towns on the coast, under Gulaga mountain, with a harbour and blue ocean pool. Zane Grey visited regularly for its deep-sea fishing. Arthur Upfield set a novel there. Rodney Hall lived there for years, where he was visited by many other writers, most famously Salman Rushdie. Olga Masters’ stories are set in various towns in the district including Cobargo and Pambula. Inga Simpson’s latest novel begins in the area. It is not far from Eden where Ben Boyd set up its whaling industry—and became the subject of a poem by Francis Webb. Manning Clark had a holiday house at nearby Wapengo and Mark McKenna has written about Potato Point. These literary connections should provide plenty of material for the 2022 ASALvets meeting to be held from October 11-14. Other attractions include the possibility of whale watching and lunch at Cobargo as well as enjoying the beach pleasures.
If you’re interested in giving a paper, or just coming along, let Susan Lever know at [email protected]
Draft Program for Bermagui
Tuesday, 11 October: 5pm. Meet for drinks at the Bermagui Beach Hotel, followed by dinner in the Bistro at 6.45pm.
Wednesday, 12 October: Morning free to enjoy the town, beach and Blue Pool.
2pm-5pm. Meet at the Fourwinds Pavilion, 4km south of the town for papers and screening of The Mission Priest.
Draft order of papers: 2-3pm Judy Brett on Arthur Upfield at Bermagui/ Julian Croft on Manning Clark at Lake Wapengo.
3-3.30pm Afternoon tea.
3.30-4pm Brigid Magner on Inga Simpson’s Last Woman in the World.
4pm-5pm: Screening and discussion of Olga Masters’ story ‘The Mission Priest’.
Dinner, free choice—there are takeaways and some good restaurants in Bermagui.
8pm-9pm. An apartment in the Anchorage, or at Seaview. Work in progress discussion (Meredith Rogers and others)
Thursday, 13 October: 10-12pm. Drive in our cars (shared) to visit the towns of Cobargo, Tilba Tilba and Central Tilba.
12.30pm Lunch at the Tilba Tilba winery, north of Tilba Tilba.
6pm-7.30pm: Book launch of Michael Farrell’s Googlecholia at Frame and Brush art shop, Bermagui.
Dinner, free choice.
8.30pm-9.30pm. Seaview apartments. Readings including part of Webb’s Drum for Ben Boyd.
Friday, 14 October: Home